A Child Addicted to Wireless Devices
Is Wi-Fi Safe? No. Not a single medical organization states WiFi is “safe”. Many medical groups have issued statements calling for precaution. They state the evidence linking wireless radiation to damaging effects is enough to justify people protecting their children by reducing exposures whenever possible. Waiting for conclusive proof will take decades. The rapid expansion of wireless is moving faster than the rate researchers can study long term effects on human health.
What Are The Official Warnings? The World Health Organization’s International Agency for the Research on Cancer has classified wireless as a Class 2 B Human Carcinogen based on research connecting it to brain cancer. The list of concerned doctors is long. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine, California Medical Association, Austrian Medical Association, Vienna Medical Association, International Society of Doctors for the Environment, Irish Doctors Environmental Association have issued warnings. Yale Medicine Chief of OBGYN Dr. Hugh Taylor started the Baby Safe Project which recommends that pregnant women “Avoid prolonged or direct exposure to Wi-Fi routers.” See the BabySafeProject.org
What Safety Standards Protect Us? The US government has no “safety standards”. The EPA and FDA did not do research to set a “safe” level as we might assume was done. Instead, the FCC adopted allowable radiation exposure levels which were last reviewed 19 years ago. These levels were considered for 30 minutes of exposure, not an entire school day., day after day. They were set to protect people from heating effects – but not long term health effects like cancer. The California Medical Association has called wireless “a new form of environmental pollution” stating that the FCC’s “current standards are inadequate to protect public health.”