iPhone EMF Readings
Instead of increasing the distance between people, we should be increasing the distance between our bodies & wireless devices including cell phones, tablets & laptops. Did you know it’s more dangerous to hold a cell phone on your head than to go out in public without a mask on your face?
Every wireless device is a two-way microwave radio that sends & receives non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation called radio frequency radiation (RF). In 2011, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer first classified cell phone & wireless radiation as a “class 2B possible human carcinogen,” as a result of research studies showing that long-term cell phone users had higher rates of brain cancer on the side of the head where they held the phone.
The US National Toxicology Program completed a $30M study finding “clear evidence” of cancer in male rats exposed to long-term low-level RF radiation. Many scientists have published that there is enough evidence to conclude that not only is wireless radiation a “POSSIBLE” carcinogen; it should receive a higher classification, because it most likely IS a human carcinogen.
A powered on cell phone is always checking in & maintaining a connection to the nearest cell tower by sending bursts of radiation several times per second. These check-ins are radiation emissions happening several times per second, whether or not a connection is successfully established.
The Building Biology radio frequency guidelines for sleeping areas indicate that readings above 1,000 microWatts per square meter are of “extreme concern.” This iPhone 7+ peaked above 2 million.
I’m taking general RF level readings with this RF detector capable of picking up frequencies as strong as 12 GHz. 5G’s frequency’s will range between 24 & 90 GHz. There is currently no meter on the market that reads 5G millimeter wave frequencies.
5G is rolling out on our streets at the moment, because we’ve given telecom financial power to have full control. Can we have a real revolution while continuing to pay them monthly dues? What are we truly paying for?