5G Frequencies Are Used for Various Military Weapons
We recognize very acutely how the new 5G frequency range has massive amounts of different tech-applications and weapons system abilities. There is no denying that microwaves can be used for mind control and psychological manipulation. Right out of the military, here are some samples of names that the same single weapons system 5G will be using has been listed under: Psi weapons, non-lethal weapons, cognitive modeling influencers, synthetic telepathy, directed energy weapons, EEG cloning, neural telemetry, biotelemetry, EEG heterodyning, behavioral biophysics, mind control, microwave weapons, bioenergetics, neuro-influencing, mind meld, remote interrogations, remote hypnotic intra cerebral control, neuralizer, telesuggestion, parapsycholgy, radio frequency weapons, psychotronics, radionics, telecybernetics, bioelectromagnetics, non-thermal effects research, remote brainwave monitoring, RHIC, EDOM, psychic spying, stealth radar, microwave interferometry, high frequency pulsed ELF waves, thought reader radar, informational weapons and the list goes on for another 2 pages!!
Having multiple names for the same weapon causes confusion. Nobody knows what anyone else is talking about if you keep changing the vocabulary. Now all of those names listed above can be categorized under its newest name “5G”. See when you say ‘Faster downloads’ and ‘super fast speeds’ it doesn’t sound as bad as ‘remote hypnotic intra cerebral control’ or ‘cognitive modeling influencers.” Predictive programming and artificial intelligence cannot be overlooked. It is you, the reader, that must act not as an individual but as an ambassador for the entire human race representing all the people who cannot understand what is being done to them and their children’s future. You are now a soldier in this informational civil war, one of the truly enlightened, who must help us fight the forces of ignorance and darkness hiding behind the shroud of secrecy which are currently prevailing.