The rollout of the next generation cellular technology, 5G, is well under way in South Florida and throughout the state.. And the rest of the world.
An astounding amount of new cell towers are being installed anywhere from playgrounds, parks and schools to shopping centers, farms, residential neighborhoods and public areas.
Public consent was never considered and safety to humans, animals and plant-life has not been proven. Despite widespread denial, the evidence that existing radio frequency (RF) radiation is harmful to life is already abundant.
Over 230 scientists worldwide have accumulated clinical evidence of to harmful exposure to EMFs (Electromagnetic Frequencies) generated by electric and wireless devices before the additional 5G roll out. Hidden government documents have proven low levels of microwave radiation at extremely lower levels than 5G are hazardous. What will more cell towers on every corner – in addition to existing infrastructure – mean to the people surrounded by them?
Millimeter waves, the same technology as 5G, have been used as military grade weapons for many years for things such as crowd control and mind manipulation including voice to skull technology. These capabilities will be in place to be tapped into at any time.
We should not have to ask for safety within our own environment. If we say nothing, we say we agree.
Our goal is to educate our communities and encourage our elected officials and local activists to take action. We are stronger together. This is a time sensitive matter that needs everyone’s attention immediately. It’s our responsibility to protect our families, wildlife, pets and the environment we are creating for our children.
In the meantime, be mindful of your surroundings containing EMFs. Stay as healthy as possible (EAT RIGHT, detox, GROUND YOURSELF in nature, unplug, shield yourself, exercise & meditate) keeping your immune system strong to live within an electromagnetic polluted environment. It is our moral obligation to protect our families.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @stop5gflorida
Special Thank You to Stephen Caputo and Durty Mics Studio
Video Shot and Edited by Steve Grant
Beat by Lezter